Istm Constitution
- Name of Society: Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine
- Address: Department of Transfusion Medicine, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. 226014.
- Working Area of Society: All India
In the interpretation of these Rules and Regulations unless there is anything repugnant to or inconsistent with the subject or context:
- The “Society” means the Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine.
- “Year” means the period commencing from 1st of April and ending with 31st March of the immediately following year.
- “Office bearers” means and include the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, two Joint Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Editor for the time being of the Society.
- “Act” means the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
- “Executive Committee” means the body, which under the Memorandum of Association and the Rules constituted to be the Executive Committee of the Society to which the management of the affairs of the Society are entrusted as required by the Act.
- “General Body” means the General Body of the society.
Classification of Membership
Eligible individuals, desiring to be members shall apply to the registered office in a prescribed form. All applications for membership shall be initially scrutinized by a Credential Committee. The Committee shall evaluate the biodata, training, publications, research and other evidence of interest in the Transfusion Medicine. The report of the Committee will be placed before the Executive Committee for approval. Membership commences when names are approved at an Executive Committee Meeting by majority i.e. 2/3rd of the members present.
Privileges of Membership:
Members of the Society shall have the privilege to vote (except corporate members, associate members), attend and take part in all general meetings, conferences, lectures, discussions and demonstrations. They shall receive copies of all proceedings and publications of the Society from the date of their membership and to attend special activities free or at such terms that the Executive Committee may fix from time to time. There shall be 5 separate classes of membership:
Founder Members:
The persons forming the Society being the signatories to its Memorandum of Association shall be the Founder Member
Life Members:
- Eligibility:
- Members of the medical profession with recognized degree in Medicine, such as MBBS (with registered qualification in Western Medical Sciences as defined in the Indian Medical Degree Act, 1916, Clause 2, Act VII) with interest in Transfusion Medicine.
- Members of the medical profession with a recognized postgraduate degree in Transfusion Medicine, haematology- oncology, pathology, microbiology, surgery, obstetrics & gynaecology, paediatrics or allied specialties (with registered qualification in Western Medical Sciences as defined in the Indian Medical Degree Act, 1916 Clause 2, Act VII) with interest in Transfusion Medicine.
- On approval from the scrutiny committee & paying the approved fee at one time, become a Life-member.
- Life membership fee: Rs. 5000/- one time
Associate Member
- Eligibility:
- PhD with life sciences working in the field of Transfusion Medicine
- Associate membership fee: Rs. 4000/- one time.
- The “Associate Member‟ will be entitled to receive all the publications of the Society, but will not be entitled to vote, contest, propose, second or hold any office.
Corporate Members:
- Any corporate approved by the Executive Committee may be included as a corporate member of the Society according to the procedure laid down in the bye-laws. The term corporate may be deemed to include any public or private company or firm. The „Corporate Member‟ will be entitled to receive all the publications of the Society, but will not be entitled to vote, contest, propose, second or hold any office.
- Corporate Member will pay Rs. 2 lakhs at one time.
Honorary Members:
Eminent members of the medical profession or persons of high scientific attainment from any country may be elected honorary members (if so approved by the Credential Committee). Members desirous of proposing such members must send details of the person to the Secretary. The total number of honorary membership shall not exceed 10 at any time. An honorary member will not be entitled to hold office or vote at any meeting.
Suspension and Termination of Membership
- The Executive Committee may suspend a Member if he indulges himself in any act detrimental or prejudicial to the interest of the Society.
- A suspended Member may be expelled for any period from the Society on the recommendation of 2/3rd majority of the Executive Committee.
- A Member may withdraw his/her Membership by submitting his/her resignation to the Secretary. There shall be a register of Members where their name, father’s name, occupation, address and category of Membership will be maintained.
- The Membership of a member shall cease on the death of any Member. The Membership of a member shall cease when one is declared insolvent or goes mad. The Membership of a member shall cease when penalized under I.P.C. by the Court.
Bodies of Society
- General Body.
- Executive Committee
General Body
General body will consist of all type/ class of members.
General Body Meeting:
- It shall meet at least once a year at the time of annual conference. The Secretary will fix up date, place & time for such meetings. Notice for the meeting will be sent by the registered post.
- It shall consider such other matters as may be brought up before it by the Executive Committee. It will review the working of the Society.
Information for General Body Meeting:-
- Notice period for the meetings of the General Body will be at least 15 days. Only Special meeting of the General Body may be called with 7 day notice period.
- Notices for all the meetings will be sent by Registered Post or written Electronic Media.
Time/Date of Annual General Body Meeting:
It will be called once in a year. The Secretary will fix up date, place & time for such meetings.
- For General Body meeting the quorum shall be 2/3rd of total Members.
- Postponed meetings may be convened after 30 minutes at the same place & no quorum will be required for such meeting.
Duties and Rights of the General Body:
- All Members will be entitled to receive notice of all annual andspecial General Body meetings.
- All Members (except corporate and associate members) will be entitled to vote in the entire Annual and Special General Body Meeting.
- The General Body has the power to amend Rules & Regulations and the Objectives of Society from time to time inaccordance with the rules and Regulations laid down foramendments of these Rules, Regulations and the Objectives.
- The General Body shall have power to make Bye-laws in regardto the working of Society.
- The General Body alone shall have the power to repeal, amend and modify these Bye-Laws with 2/3rdmajority of members present at the meeting.
- The General Body shall appoint the auditor or auditors for theSociety, for auditing its accounts and reporting thereon. TheAnnual action plan of the Society will be submitted to and willbe discussed by the Executive Committee& General Body.
Executive Committee
Formation: The post of President Elect and Chairman of SIGs has been deleted
The Executive Committee will consist of following members
President | 01 |
Vice-President | 01 |
Secretary | 01 |
Joint Secretary | 02 (one nominated, one elected) |
Treasurer | 01 |
Editor | 01 |
Zonal Representatives | 06 |
Upcoming conference president/chairperson | 01 |
This strength can either be increased or decreased as per the requirements by 2/3rdmajority.
Normally the Executive Committee will meet two times in a year. However. Special meeting can be called for at any times as and when required.
A written notice of the meeting of the Executive Committee will be sent to the Members at least 4 weeks in advance by Registered / electronic post
- The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 2/3rd of the total strength of Members.
- Postponed meetings may be convened after30 min at the same place & no quorum will be required for such meeting.
Duties and Powers of Executive Committee:
- Executive Committee shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the Society and have power to frame rules and bye-laws for the conduct of business at meetings and conferences of the society to publish journals or other literature.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to form councils & subcommittees as and when necessary
- The Executive Committee shall direct the Secretary to carry out the general affairs of the Society.
- The Executive Committee may appoint and dismiss such staffs as may be found necessary to manage the work efficiently.
- To look after and supervise the management of the properties of the Society and to spend money required for that purpose
- To liaise with the Central & State Governments and Statutory Bodies and authorities for achieving and promoting the Aims and Objectives of the Society
- To prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting an audited statement of Accounts and Report of the previous year.
- To pay all rates, rents, taxes and salaries and remunerations of the employees of the Society; and to manage and deal with all matters pertaining to the provident fund or any other schemes for the benefits of the employees or ex-employees of the Society or their families
- To fix, collect, increase or decrease the sale price and rents for any of the properties belonging to the Society;
- To invest the funds of the Society and to sell, vary or transpose such investments from time to time;
- To fill in vacancies, to make appointments, to direct transfer, retirements and to give promotions, increments, honoraria and to grant leave and extension of service and reduce salaries and to award/ punish or to dispense with the service of an employee under the Society and to do such other general work in connection with the staff to the Society as may be necessary.
- The Executive committee would fill any vacancy caused by resignation, death or for any other reason, in between the two Annual General Meetings. The member so inducted in the Executive committee would be a member of the remaining period or till the new Executive committee is reconstituted
- To admit or reject application for membership and accept resignation of members. To appoint any Committee or Sub-Committee as and when necessary and with such powers as the Executive committee may deem fit
- To invite and accept donations and subscriptions with or without any conditions
- To negotiate and enter into agreement/contracts on behalf of the Society and to vary and rescind such contracts;
- To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings, by or against the Society or its officers or otherwise concerning the affairs of the society and also to compound and allow time for payment of any due or of any demand by or against the society.
- To refer any claim or demand by or against the Society to arbitration and observe and perform awards.
- To delegate any of the powers of the Executive Committee to any officer of sub-committee or committee.
- To expand the funds of the Society in such manner as the Executive Committee shall consider most beneficial for the objectives of the Society mentioned in its Memorandum of Association.
- To grant receipts, to sign and execute, instruments and to endorse or discount cheques or other negotiable instrument through its accredited?.
- To exercise overall control and allocate funds for the smooth functioning of Special Interest Groups.
The tenure of the Executive committee shall be for 3 years.
Powers and Duties of the Office Bearers of Executive Committee
The President shall be elected every three years from amongthe members of the Society and should have a standing of atleast 10 years‟ experience in the field of Transfusion Medicine. No person shall be eligible to be elected as President for morethan one term.
- The President shall preside over at all meetings and shall regulate the proceedings of the meeting.
- He shall besides his ordinary vote have a casting vote in caseof equality of votes among members.
- In his absence the vice-President shall officiate for him, failing whom a member elected at the meeting shall perform hisduties.
- To represents the Society internally and externally.
- He shall preside at regular and special meetings of the Society and shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Society.
- He shall be the chairman of the Boards and preside at its meetings and shall be an ex officio member of all committees,
- To carry out the decisions of the General body
- To be involved in the organization of the regular scientific meetings of the Society and function as an adviser to the Conference President regarding the organization of the meeting
Vice President:
Vice-President shall be elected from the members of the Society and shall have a standing of at least 8 years in the field of transfusion medicine.
- In the absence of the President, Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.
- In the event of the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of the president by reason of his death, resignation or removal or otherwise, the vice President shall act as President until the date on which a new President is elected.
- The Vice President shall, during, and in respect of the period while he is so acting as, or discharging the functions of President shall have all the powers specified in the constitution.
- The president and/or the Executive committee may delegate time- to -time such of his/her functions as he/she is unable to perform for any reason.
The Secretary shall be elected from the members of the Society and should have a standing of at least 8 years in the field of transfusion medicine. No person shall be Secretary for more than one term, consecutive or otherwise. Subject to the control and regulation of the Executive Committee.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Executive Committee and the affairs of the society as laid down in the Constitution and bye-laws.
- The Secretary shall, subject to the control and direction of the Executive committee.
- The Secretary shall, subject to the control and direction of the Executive committee be in general charge of Public Relation of the Society and in particular maintain liaison with Governmental authorities concerned related all India Institutions, like bodies.
- Shall sign the membership certificates and answer questions on membership,
- Convene meetings of the Executive Committee
- Have charge of the correspondence in relation of the Society
- Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Society, Executive Committee and other Committees thereof
- Prepare the annual report of the Society
- Be in charge of all documents and property and other assets of the Society
- Shall maintain a register of the members in the various categories of membership. For the purpose of the Society the address mentioned in the register/database will be considered the valid one. Any change in address must be intimated to the Secretary and confirmation received from the Secretary that the necessary change in the register has been effected.
- The Secretary will communicate all the changes in the register /database and any other relevant information to the registered office.
Joint Secretary:
Of the two joint secretaries, one will be nominated by the President and Secretary from the registered headquarter of the society at Lucknow to help them in their work for a period of three year. The other joint secretary will be elected.
Zonal Representative:
Six zonal representatives will be elected from North, East, West, South, Central and North-east zones as per the geographical regions defined by the Govt. of India. The representatives will be elected by the members belonging to respective zones, however, the process of election will be conducted centrally along with election of other members of Executive committee. Zones of membership will be decided based on the region of work rather than birth or home town
The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of 3 years and a maximum of 2 terms. He should have a standing of at least 5 years in the field of transfusion medicine.
- All cheques shall be signed jointly by the Treasurer and the President/Secretary.
- The treasurer will act as an administrator of the Society‟s finances
- Receive all moneys relating to the Society and deposit them in respective accounts in banks approved by the Committee to the credit of an account kept in the name of the Society.
- Collect all dues to the Society and pay in all the amounts into the banking account/s of the Society.
- Make disbursement within the limits of the annual budget and maintain vouchers and records of all such disbursements
- The balance sheet, accounts and audited reports shall be submitted by the Treasurer at the time of the Executive Committee meetings and also at the Annual General Body Meeting.
- Any change of Office bearers should be notified to the banks as per banking law.
- Apply for income tax exemption and other formalities as required and send annual report to the charity Commissioner.
- Invest, deposit and/or advance the funds of the Society notrequiredto be spent immediately.
The Editor shall be elected among the ISTM life members for a term of 3 years. The contestant should have minimum five years of experience in Transfusion Medicine with minimum 5 publications in Indexed journals.
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